Cancer is a life-threatening disease caused by the uncontrolled multiplication of cells, which culminates in a solid mass of cells known as a tumor or liquid cancer. It is the leading cause of mortality worldwide, and the number of cancer patients has been increasing at an alarming rate, with an estimated 20 million cases expected by 2030. A research group states the use of complementary or alternative therapeutic techniques that can help prevent cancer has been the subject of increased attention. Garlic is the most widely used plant medicinal product for various conditions. Diallyl disulfide is a major organosulfur compound contained within garlic. (1)
Garlic contains a compound called diallyl disulfide (DADS) that has been shown to fight cancer in multiple ways. A study investigated how diallyl disulfide affects a protein called DJ-1 in stomach cancer cells. DJ-1 seems to be involved in cancer progression. The researchers found that diallyl disulfide reduced DJ-1 levels, which in turn increased levels of another protein called PTEN that suppresses cancer cell growth. Diallyl disulfide also slowed down the spread and invasion of cancer cells and made them more susceptible to chemotherapy drugs. Overall, this study suggests that diallyl disulfide has potential as a preventative measure or as a supplement to chemotherapy for stomach cancer. (2)
(1) Saikat Mitra et al, Diallyl Disulfide: A Bioactive Garlic Compound with Anticancer Potential, Front Pharmacol. 2022 Aug 22:13:943967.
(2) Jian Su et al, Diallyl disulfide antagonizes DJ-1 mediated proliferation, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, and chemoresistance in gastric cancer cells Environ Toxicol . 2024 Apr 20. doi: 10.1002/tox.24300.